Terms of Use

Last Modified: january 4, 2024


Thank you for visiting Sara Turbyfill Photography, also known by the true name Sara Turbyfill Properties LLC. By accessing this website and its services, you agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use featured on this page. These Terms of Use apply to Sara Turbyfill Photography, specifically SaraTurbyfillPhotography.com.

Sara Turbyfill Photography reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time without providing notice. By using this website following such modifications, you agree to follow and be bound by the modified Terms of Use. The date listed above signifies the most recent date these Terms of Use were revised.

Please be sure to read the Terms of Use Carefully, which includes the following sections:

  1. Permitted Use of This Website
  2. Prohibited Use of This Website
  3. Ownership and Use of Content
  4. Information You Provide
  5. Links to Third-Party Websites
  6. Downloading Files
  7. Disclaimer of Liability
  8. Indemnification
  9. Minimum Age Requirements
  10. Errors and Inaccuracies
  11. Services and Products
  12. Booking and Cancellation
  13. Privacy Policy
  14. Applicable Law

1. Permitted Use of This Website

You may use this website and share the information, writings, images, videos, or any other creative you find on this website solely for your non-commercial, personal purposes, or to learn about the products and services offered by Sara Turbyfill Photography in compliance with these Terms of Use. The sharing of information from this website for any commercial use is strictly prohibited.

2. Prohibited Use of This Website

By accessing this site, you agree that you will not:

  • Use this website in violation of the Terms of Use;
  • Copy content or images from this site and claim them as your own;
  • Modify any content on this site and repurpose it for any reason, whether personal or commercial. This includes, but is not limited to, downloading images from this site and modifying them in any with the use of photo editing programs or other software;
  • Sell or distribute material from this site for commercial purposes.
  • Sublicense, distribute, or transfer any right of the content found on this website to a third party;
  • Use or launch any automated system, including but not limited to, robots and spiders;
  • Use this website in any manner that damages, disables, or impairs the functionality of this website or interferes with users while using this site;
  • Access this website by any other means than through the interface provided by Sara Turbyfill Photography;
  • Use this site for any purpose or in any manner that is unlawful and prohibited by the Terms of Use agreement.

Any unauthorized use of the content featured on this website may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.

3. Ownership and Use of Content:

All content featured on this website, including but not limited to images, text, and graphics, is Copyright © Sara Turbyfill Photography. All content on this website is the property of Sara Turbyfill Photography and is protected by copyright law. You may not use, reproduce, or distribute any content from this website without written permission from Sara Turbyfill Photography.

4. Information You Provide

When posting to this website or providing information on this website, you represent that you have the right to share that information. When posting to this website, you also agree that you will not post materials that violate or infringe upon any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, moral rights, right of publicity, right of privacy, or other intellectual property rights.

By using this website, you represent and warrant that you are who you say you are. You represent that you have not provided fictitious, inaccurate, or false information about yourself. You also represent that the information you post on this website does not contain any threatening, harassing, or offensive material that would violate any other applicable law or regulation. You also agree that you will not knowingly provide false information with the intent to defraud or provide misleading information. You also won't enter any information on this website or post any content that violates this Terms of Use agreement.

5. Links to Third-Party Websites

The links found on this website that navigate to third party websites are provided to better your experience while using this website. When clicking on these third-party links, you understand that you will leave this website and will then be subject to the privacy policies and terms of use on those third party websites. As mentioned above, the third-party links on this website are for your convenience only. The use of third-party links on this website does not imply in any way that there is an endorsement or sponsorship of the third party. Also, Sara Turbyfill Photography is not reliable for the availability of any of these third-party websites. Sara Turbyfill Photography is not liable or responsible for any of these third-party websites or the content provided by them.

6. Downloading Files

Sara Turbyfill Photography grants clients the right to download their images from an online gallery that’s connected to this website. At times, Sara Turbyfill Photography may also provide users with the option to download digital files directly from this website. However, Sara Turbyfill Photography cannot and does not guarantee that the files downloaded from this website will be free of viruses or other harmful computer code.

7. Disclaimer of Liability

Sara Turbyfill Photography is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your access to or use of this website and its services. Sara Turbyfill Photography makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the content on this website. 

8. Indemnification

By accessing this website, you understand and agree that you are solely responsible for your behavior on this website. You agree to indemnify and defend Sara Turbyfill Photography from all claims, damages, and costs resulting from your use, misuse, or inability to use this website or in violation of the Terms of Use.

9. Minimum Age Requirements

This website is not directed to children. Therefore, you’re not allowed to access or use the services provided by Sara Turbyfill Photography if you’re under the age of 18. You may only use the services provided by Sara Turbyfill Photography if you can legally form a binding contract. In other words, you must be 18 years of age or older. Sara Turbyfill Photography is not liable for damages that may result from a user’s misrepresentation of age.

10. Errors and Inaccuracies

The content featured on this website may contain typographical errors or other inaccuracies and may not be current or complete. Sara Turbyfill Photography reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and update the content at any time without giving notice.

11. Services and Products

The services and products offered by Sara Turbyfill Photography are subject to availability and may be modified or discontinued at any time without notice. Prices are subject to change without prior notification. 

12. Booking and Cancellation

Booking sessions with Sara Turbyfill Photography are subject to availability and require a non-refundable deposit. All bookings are final and cancellations are not accepted. However, under certain circumstances, clients may reschedule their session if there is a conflict with their schedule. Clients may reschedule their session up to 1 time after it’s booked. To reschedule your session, you must provide Sara Turbyfill Photography with a written notice of rescheduling at least 48 hours prior to your session. If you do not provide at least 48 hours notice that you need to reschedule, you will be held responsible for the deposit and will not be able to reschedule your session. Deposits are non-refundable.

13. Privacy Policy

Sara Turbyfill Photography is committed to protecting your privacy. The Privacy Policy outlines how your personal information is collected, used, and safeguarded when interacting with this website. By using this website and its services, you consent to the practices described in the Privacy Policy.

14. Applicable Law

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws in the state of Colorado. Any legal action or proceeding related to your access to, or use of, this website or its services shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located within the state of Colorado.

By using this website and its services, you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please do not use this website or its services.

If you have a question about the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy featured on this website, you may contact Sara Turbyfill Photography at info@saraturbyfillphotography.com

Get In Touch

If you have a question or you'd like to request more information, click the button below to call Sara Turbyfill Photography directly. You may also fill out the contact form below. All inquiries will receive a response within 24 hours.